Package-level declarations


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class BlindPowerMotor(val motor: DcMotorEx, val power: Double, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

Sets a motor to a specific power without any internal feedback

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An internal subsystem for the drivetrain used by commands that drive the robot.

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class MotorHoldPosition(val motor: DcMotorEx, val controller: PIDFController, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

This command holds a motor's position until another command is scheduled that uses the same subsystem.

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class MotorToPosition(val motor: DcMotorEx, val target: Double, val controller: PIDFController, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

This implements a PID controller to drive a motor to a specified target position.

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class MotorToVelocity(val motor: DcMotorEx, val targetVelocity: Double, val controller: PIDFController, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>, val outCondition: () -> Boolean = { abs(motor.velocity)-targetVelocity < 10 }) : Command

This implements a PID controller to drive a motor to a specified target velocity.

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class MultipleMotorsHoldPosition(val motorsAndControllers: Map<DcMotorEx, PIDFController>, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

This command holds a multiple motor's positions until another command is scheduled that uses the same subsystem.

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class MultipleMotorsToPosition(val motorsAndControllers: Map<DcMotorEx, PIDFController>, val target: Double, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

This implements a PID controller to drive multiple motors to a specified target position.

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class MultipleServosToPosition @JvmOverloads constructor(val servos: List<Servo>, val target: Double, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem> = setOf()) : Command

This command moves multiple servos to a specified target position

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class MultipleServosToSeperatePositions @JvmOverloads constructor(val servos: Map<Servo, Double>, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem> = setOf()) : Command

This command moves multiple servos each to a different target position

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class ServoToPosition(val servo: Servo, val targetPosition: Double, val subsystems: Set<Subsystem>) : Command

This command moves a servo to a target position