Package-level declarations
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This is a delay that waits until the robot has been displaced (by driving) a certain distance. This does not use the length of the path; if you are driving in circles smaller than your distance, it will never finish.
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class DriverControlled @JvmOverloads constructor(val driveJoystick: Joystick, val turnJoystick: Joystick, val robotCentric: Boolean = true, val invertDrive: Boolean = false, val invertTurn: Boolean = false, val invertStrafe: Boolean = false) : Command
Uses the joystick inputs to drive the robot
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class FollowPath @JvmOverloads constructor(path: PathChain, holdEnd: Boolean = false, maxPower: Double? = null) : Command
This Command tells the PedroPath follower to follow a specific path or pathchain
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This is a wrapper class for an OpMode that does the following:
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class ProximityDelay @JvmOverloads constructor(point: Pose, distanceTolerance: Double = 4.0) : Command
This is a delay that waits until the robot is within distanceTolerance units of the specified point.
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This command updates the Pedro Path follower continuously as long as the OpMode is running.