This behaves like the command-form of a switch statement. You provide it with a value to reference, and a list of options of outcomes. It is blocking, meaning isDone
will not return true
until the scheduled command(s) have completed running.
the value to reference
all of the options for outcomes
the command to schedule if none of the outcomes are fulfilled
Whether this command can be stopped due to a conflict of Subsystems.
A set of all Subsystems this command implements.
Returns a SequentialGroup with a Delay and then this command
Returns a ParallelGroup with this command and an arbitrary number of other commands
Returns a ParallelDeadlineGroup with this command as the deadline
Returns a ParallelRaceGroup with this command and a Delay of time
Returns a PerpetualCommand that wraps this command
Returns a ParallelRaceGroup with this command and an arbitrary number of other commands
Returns a SequentialGroup with this command and an arbitrary number of other commands
Returns a SequentialGroup with this command and then a Delay
Returns a ParallelDeadlineGroup with this command and the passed command as the deadline