Package-level declarations


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class BlockingConditionalCommand(condition: () -> Boolean, trueCommand: () -> Command, falseCommand: () -> Command? = null) : Command

This command behaves as an if statement, and schedules commands based on the result of the if statement. It is blocking, meaning isDone will not return true until the scheduled command has completed running.

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class BlockingSwitchCommand(value: () -> Any, outcomes: Pair<Any, () -> Command>, default: () -> Command? = null) : Command

This behaves like the command-form of a switch statement. You provide it with a value to reference, and a list of options of outcomes. It is blocking, meaning isDone will not return true until the scheduled command(s) have completed running.

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class PassiveConditionalCommand(condition: () -> Boolean, trueCommand: () -> Command, falseCommand: () -> Command? = null) : Command

This command behaves as an if statement, and adds commands based on the result of the if statement. It is non-blocking, meaning isDone is true immediately, regardless of how long the scheduled command takes to run.

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class PassiveSwitchCommand(value: () -> Any, outcomes: Pair<Any, () -> Command>, default: () -> Command? = null) : Command

This behaves like the command-form of a switch statement. You provide it with a value to reference, and a list of options of outcomes. It is non-blocking, meaning isDone is true immediately, regardless of how long the scheduled command(s) take to run.