Package-level declarations
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class DifferentialArcadeDriverControlled(val leftMotor: Controllable, val rightMotor: Controllable, val driveJoystick: Joystick, val turnJoystick: Joystick) : Command
Drives a differential drivetrain as a tank drive.
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class DifferentialTankDriverControlled(val leftMotor: Controllable, val rightMotor: Controllable, val leftJoystick: Joystick, val rightJoystick: Joystick) : Command
Drives a differential drivetrain as a tank drive.
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class MecanumDriverControlled @JvmOverloads constructor(motors: Array<out Controllable>, val driveSupplier: () -> Float, val strafeSupplier: () -> Float, val turnSupplier: () -> Float, robotCentric: Boolean = true, imu: IMU? = null) : Command
Drives a mecanum drivetrain