Package-level declarations


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class Button(button: () -> Boolean) : Control

A button control that has a value of true or false.

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abstract class Control

This is the abstract class that all Controls extend. All controls have a state, and some way to detect whether their state just became true or just became false.

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class GamepadEx(gamepad: Gamepad, triggerThreshold: Float = 0.0f, horizontalJoystickThreshold: Float = 0.0f, verticalJoystickThreshold: Float = 0.0f, reverseVertical: Boolean = true)

This class offers a complete wrapper of the Qualcomm gamepad class. The only time users should need to interact with the Qualcomm gamepad class is when instantiating this class.

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class GamepadManager(gamepad1: Gamepad, gamepad2: Gamepad)
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class Joystick(xAxisValue: () -> Float, yAxisValue: () -> Float, buttonValue: () -> Boolean, horizontalThreshold: Float = 0.0f, verticalThreshold: Float = 0.0f, reverseVertical: Boolean = true) : Control

A joystick has 2 JoystickAxis plus a button.

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class JoystickAxis(axis: () -> Float, threshold: Float = 0.0f, reverse: Boolean) : Control

An axis of a joystick that has a value between -1 and 1.

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class Trigger(trigger: () -> Float, threshold: Float = 0.0f) : Control

A trigger control that has a value between 0 and 1.