Package-level declarations
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interface Controller
Interface all controllers must inherit from.
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open class PIDFController @JvmOverloads constructor(var kP: Double, var kI: Double, var kD: Double, kF: Feedforward = StaticFeedforward(0.0), var setPointTolerance: Double = 10.0) : Controller
PID controller with various feedforward components.
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class SqrtController @JvmOverloads constructor(var kP: Double = 0.0, var kI: Double = 0.0, var kD: Double = 0.0, kF: Feedforward = StaticFeedforward(0.0), var setPointTolerance: Double = 10.0) : PIDFController
This is a Square Root Controller, which is a proportional controller that uses the square root of the error instead of just the error.