Drivetrain Commands
Some of the content on the following pages was taken with permission from the FTCLib Drivebases page.
Currently, NextFTC only has support for mecanum, x-drive, and differential (tank) drivetrains. If you write a command for another, please share it with us!
NextFTC has commands to control different types of drivetrains. This page goes through the different options for controlling your drivetrain in TeleOp.
Holonomic Drivetrains
A holonomic drive is one that can move in omnidirectional space, which is why it is often called an omnidirectional drive. There are different sub-types of holonomic drivetrains. Currently NextFTC only has support for mecanum drives and x-drives.
An X-drive is a holonomic base that has four omniwheels positioned into an "X" shape.

A mecanum drivetrain is a type of holonomic drive that utilizes mecanum wheels for movement.
Mecanum Drive

With a holonomic drivetrain, you can control it either with or without PedroPathing. Using PedroPathing has built-in centripetal force correction, and is a matter of personal preference whether or not to use.
To control a holonomic drivetrain in TeleOp, see one of the following pages:
Differential (Tank) Drivetrains
A differential drivetrain is one that has two motors or motor groups on either side of the robot. Each side acts as a connected set or motor group.
Differential Drive

To control a differential drivetrain in TeleOp, see the following page: